Due to the popularity of our ensemble program, we are re-inventing our school-wide performance opportunity. Rather than scrambling to put together short-term acts for a long Abbot Hall Showcase, we will be accepting applications for students to participate in a mini-ensemble workshop. Students will be placed into groups that will meet for an hour per week for 6 weeks. Groups will be led by one of our ensemble directors and they will prepare a mini-set of music (2-3 songs). The culminating performance will take place at the Hard Rock Cafe in Boston, along with our current weekly ensembles.
All-Stars Ensemble Program Application
Marblehead/Salem School of Music All-Stars Ensemble Program
Rehearsal Location: Salem School of Music
Days/Times: Thursdays or Sundays starting April 1st
Duration: 1 hour/week for 6 weeks
Cost: $150/student… includes 4 guests at Hard Rock Cafe
Performance Date: May 20, 2018